I wanted to portray the problems of the models behind the camera because there are thousands of people out there who go through the same problem and overcome it. Models be an exception because they have to portray to be somebody they are not, and go back to the same box all over again. We, as common people see them as our idols and admire their perfection but this does not satisfy them, instead they become more conscious of how they look and how they walk. 

LIPOSUCTION_ These days, most of the people are trying to change the way they look. Thinner lips don’t work anymore.
MEN TOO FEMININE_ There are a lot of male models who look all toned and muscled up but are still very feminine from within. Being feminine makes them happy. 
BEHIND THE MAKEUP_ They hide their faces behind the makeup. People who look at them never really know who they actually are.
REJECTION_ Even the biggest celebrities go through constant rejection. People like watching fresh faces. Rejection is a part of life.
NUDITY_ There are a lot of models who in order to prove them selves shoot nude scenes. They think it helps them to get exposure and boost their confidence.
SKINNY_ Being skinnier than skinny is one thing every model tries to hold on to. Having an ideal body can still make them look good.
CONFIDENT ENOUGH?_Not everybody is happy with the way they look. Even though they are big celebrities, They lack confidence. 
STEROIDS_ Models take steroids to make their body look better. How ironic, they use something that will harm their body to make it look beautiful.
TOO MANY HANDS_Backstage, there are lot of people to prepare the model. they dress them up, equally touch them.
SCARS_ Every body has scars on their body. Models who walk the ramp regularly have to hide their scars. They either use makeup or Photoshop them. 

She looks into the mirror n she sees her self
truly sees herself
She has to loose 15 pounds more.. She thinks
She’s flabby.. She thinks 
Excess of flab has let her down. 
She cant become an actress.. She thinks
She cant be a model.. She thinks 
She cant walk the ramp.. She thinks
She has let her self down.. She thinks
Nobody likes her.. She thinks 
This has been going on for forever… She thinks.
He has been trying for forever.. He feels
He looks into the mirror,
He has not gained enough weight… He feels
He has got twig legs … He feels
His arms are not buff enough…. He feels
His chest has not gained an inch in the last four months… He feels
He has been trying,
But the trying never stops…. He feels
And they look at themselves.. All they see is how imperfect they are
And then they look at each other.. And only think how one can be so perfect.
Beauty lies in the eyes of the bearer.
And here I am with my project.. purdah to finally unveil the inner demons ,fights, fierce and inner turmoil that every model feels behind the camera. 
And to let everyone know that Beauty is not only skin deep.



I wanted to portray the problems of the models behind the camera because there are thousands of people out there who go through the same problem Read More
